2D Digital Imaging


This is a 2D digital imaging class that focuses on the integration of de- sign knowledge with Macintosh computer applications. This class will provide an overview of the design communication process including creative procedure, terminology, and technology, and will introduce the use of current computer applications. Students will gain skills in digital illustration and page layouts, and image creation and manipula- tion. Graphic design elements of typography, color, images, and digital printing processes will also be addressed. Emphasis of this class is placed on producing sophisticated and professional design work as well as broadening students’ experience on applying software. This course is meant to be an introduction into digital imagery and the software used in its creation.


1. Appreciate the cultural responsibility of the maker in providing high quality visual imagery for public and commercial purposes

2. Continue integration and application of the principles of design to their work in computer media

3. Further develop the creation of visual imagery; improve image creation and use; and improve input of digital images

4. Provide visual expression for a variety of technical and con- ceptual experiences.

5. Proceed systematically in evolving a design solution from a specific communication objective.

6. Form clear well defined graphic solutions through digital systems and processes.

7. Gain a basic understanding of design software and apply them appropriately.

  1. Draw and illustrate using computer software
  2. Become acquainted with the range of disciplines and

professions that contribute to the development and creation of design work

10. Develop visual sequences related clearly to cognitive or emotional sequences (visual stories.)

11. Explore a variety of digital imagery procedures with multiple design tools through the use of the Adobe 2D Image suite.

12. Instill a strong foundational knowledge of: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Bridge, Acrobat; used in combination to cre- ate portfolio ready designs for print and web applications.

  1. Maintain a high level of technical proficiency.
  2. Gain understanding of an online web log structure.

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