Lesson 3: Illustrator and Illustrated Animals

Lesson: 3 Illustrator Vector Based Animals


• To develop an understanding and be able to utilize the tools of Adobe Illustrator.

• To explore design, creativity and composition through a study of animal symbols.

• At this point your task is to render the animals as close to the artwork given.

• Use color or patterning make them unique in some manner.


PArt 1

Re-create the image of two (2) of the five animals (Fig.01) in a vector format using Adobe Illustra- tor. Choose three from the five reference art supplied. Emphasis should be placed on the technical rendering of the object by making it as creative as possible. Avoid using a background other than the border of the illustration.

  1. Trace the image using the pen tool.
  2. Examine ways to stylistically enhance the aesthetics of your illustrations. Can you vary the stroke/line weight in a unique way? Might you make elements of the illustration more geometrically abstract?

3. Develop a common color pallet to unify the animal symbols to apply color the drawing. (Examine the Kuler color plug-in)

4. Write and design copy/text for each illustration, which introduces each character to a bedtime story. The copy MUST consist of: An initial letter or CAP [E, F, G, L, O] to represent each animal; typeset the remainder of the name of your chosen animal; add a bit of supple- mental text, which adds to the characters personality. Think of this like a children’s book, or illustration fro an alphabetic children’s book. See example: fig.02

5. Illustrations must be presented on an 8.5″ x 11″ digital PDF format.

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